Euro­pean Day of Lan­guages – EDL

26 Sep­tem­ber 2016

Minor­ity Languages

The Direc­tion of Sec­ondary Edu­ca­tion of Vio­tia will cel­e­brate the Euro­pean Day of Lan­guages by embed­ding it to its Eras­mus+ project ?Learn­ing and Think­ing Together? ? LTT. Tak­ing advan­tage of our Welsh and Span­ish part­ners visit to our schools on the 26th27thof Sep­tem­ber, we are going to orga­nize a series of events in Span­ish, Eng­lish Welsh and Greek.

The project con­sor­tium con­sists of 3 Greek schools, 3 Welsh schools and 2 Span­ish schools.

The Greek schools are:

1stGen­eral Lyceum of Levadia

4thPri­mary school of Levadia

7thPri­mary school of Levadia

Activ­i­ties to be car­ried out:

1.Getting to know regional or minor­ity lan­guages such as:

· Welsh

· Catalan

2. Step into Britain?s history

· How to Make a Welsh Cas­tle out of a Card­board Box

· Welsh fairy tales:?King Arthur?s Cave?

3. Step into Spain?s history:

· Span­ish fairy tales:?Ratoncito Perez?

4. Play word twister: e.g. the longer name for a town in Wales & lan­guage games on the


5. Play «Europe Twister»with the flags of EU.

6. Τhe Euro­pean anthem: ?Ode to Joy? by Beethoven& Greek songs per­formed by the

school band (piano, vio­lin, cello, guitar).

8. Span­ish, Welsh and Greek tra­di­tional danceswith cer­e­mo­nial dresses.

9. Dis­cover the basics of Mediter­ranean Diet ? olive oil and herbs. Mix them together to

make aro­matic olive oil and also make olive oil soap at the chem­istry lab.

11. The­atri­cal per­for­mance: ?Ω, τικόσμοςμπαμπά! (Wow, this is quite a world, dad!)

12. Debate: ?Lan­guage skills and career. Is mul­ti­lin­gual­ism a waste of time and money??

13. E-?shadows. Stu­dents make a shadow pup­pet dig­i­tal per­for­mance: ?Kara­giozis the


The stu­dents in all 3 schools will learn about minor­ity lan­guages in Europe. The Euro­pean Union (EU) today counts 23 national lan­guages with as many as 65 regional and minor­ity lan­guages, only a few of which enjoy recog­ni­tion in the EU. Two of them are Welsh and Catalan.

Stu­dents in the 4rth Pri­mary School will make cas­tles out of card box paper and get to know that Wales has the big­ger num­ber of cas­tles in Europe. They will lis­ten to the fairy tale ?King Arthur?s Cave? and get famil­iar with Welsh his­tory. They will also play word twister with Welsh words. Did you know that the name of a town in Wales has 58 let­ters? Can you pro­nounce Llan­fair­p­wll­gwyn­gyll­gogerych­wyrn­drob­wl­l­l­lan­tysil­i­o­gogogoch? Why would some­one name a town with that many let­ters? Did you know that a greet­ing in Welsh is one of 55 lan­guages included on the Voy­ager Golden Record cho­sen to be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Earth in NASA?s Voy­ager pro­gram launched in 1977? The greet­ings are unique to each lan­guage, with the Welsh greet­ing being ?Iechyd da i chwi yn awr ac yn oesoedd?, which trans­lates into Eng­lish as «Good health to you now and forever».

The school band will play the Euro­pean anthem ?Ode to Joy by Beethoven? and Greek songs by Hatzi­dakis, while the dance group will dance tra­di­tional dances from Wales and Greece (sir­taki) with cer­e­mo­nial dresses. They will also play «Europe Twister»with the flags of Europe in the school yard and lan­guage games on the IWB.

Stu­dents in the 7rth Pri­mary School will lis­ten to the tra­di­tional Span­ish fairy tale ?Ratoncito Perez?. They will sing well known songs in Span­ish and Greek. The dance group of the school will dance tra­di­tional dances from Spain (paso doble) and Greece (kavon­tori­tikos) with cer­e­mo­nial dresses. Stu­dents will also play «Europe Twister»with the flags of Europe in the school yard and lan­guage games on the IWB. Stu­dents will write basic greet­ings and wishes in Eng­lish, Welsh, Span­ish and Greek to send to part­ner stu­dents in Cardiff and Murcia.

Stu­dents in the 1st Gen­eral Lyceum of Leva­dia will present the basics of Mediter­ranean Diet ? olive oil and herb­sto our for­eign vis­i­tors. In the chem­istry lab they will make olive oil soap and fla­voredolive oil by mix­ing olive oil with herbs to give as gifts to our visitors.

The stu­dents of the school drama club will sing the theme song of their last school play: ?Ω, τικόσμοςμπαμπά! (Wow, this is quite a world, dad)! Actors and musi­cians will per­form live on stage.

Using the com­puter appli­ca­tion e-?shadows, stu­dents will make a shadow pup­pet dig­i­tal per­for­mance with Kara­giozis, a well known folk­lore char­ac­ter in Greece with the title ?Kara­giozis the polyglot?.

Stu­dents will take part in a debate: ?Lan­guage skills and career. Is mul­ti­lin­gual­ism a waste of time and money?? After watch­ing the video ?The mul­ti­lin­gual goal? stu­dents will express their opin­ions for and against the topic. https://?www?.youtube?.com/?w?a?t?c?h???v?=?1?o?i?o?r?H?I?s?1?h?I

The objec­tives of the project are to:

· Enhance stu­dents? & teach­ers? inter­cul­tural competences

· Develop cross-?cultural awareness

· Boost com­mu­nity cohe­sion in our mul­ti­cul­tural Eras­mus+ programme

· Rec­og­nize each other?s unique­ness and spe­cial characteristics

· Accept and respect diversity